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Welcome Melissa Hanson, our new Resource Coordinator!

Guest Contributer
Melissa Hanson, Resource Coordinator
Melissa Hanson, Resource Coordinator

We met Melissa earlier this year, and from the very first conversation we had, we knew we needed to get her involved with us, in a big way. The way she breezed through naming off resource after resource and continued to stay in contact with us, sharing any contact or information she came across, got Chad and I talking about making it a goal to bring her on as our new part-time Resource Coordinator. Her desire to make community a priority in recovery, falls right in line with our mission so beautifully. Please join us in giving a very heart-filled welcome, to Melissa Hanson! Here’s is a little about her:

My name is Melissa. I’m the mother of three amazing children and I’m from my hometown of Green Cove Springs, Florida. I recently moved to St. Johns county to fulfill my calling of helping others, like myself, in Recovery.

After years of struggling with addiction, depression and homelessness I desperately wanted to give up, but God had other plans for me. On May 18th, 2023, I had my last drink, and at that time God put it on my heart to help others. I knew at that moment that all the struggles I had had in life, were for a reason: to help others overcome barriers and break the stigma of addiction.

I once heard “The opposite of addiction is connection”. And what better way to provide connection but through community? Together as a community we can help others struggling with addiction, have hope again. We can help them regain their lives back, but more importantly, feel loved.

Romans 8:18

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

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