A recovery living home is an alcohol and drug-free living environment, which emphasizes 12-step groups and peer support for people who are transitioning from a rehab facility, back into a normal flow of life, and attempting to remain sober. This transitional housing is key to a person’s success in remaining sober. Destructive, unstable, non-sober living environments can easily derail someone’s recovery, even if a person is highly motivated.
We will be open to those suffering from substance or process addictions, or a mental health crisis. Learn more at comebackrecoveryhomes.com.
Your gift is vital to someone’s recovery.
Your gift will save someone’s life.
Additionally, we are offering these naming opportunities for the homes.
Please reach out if you are interested in any of these levels. ​
Men's Home - The D. McDougal House
House Naming - $50,000 -
Claimed: Anonymous
Kitchen - $25,000 -
Claimed: The Church of Eleven22
Living Room - $15,000
Home Gym - $10,000 -
Claimed: Trinity Parish, St. Augustine
Bedrooms (5) - $7,500 each -
4/5 Claimed:
Kline Family, Salon Honey + Sage, Noah Bailey Group, and Murphy Family
​Women's Home
House Naming - $50,000
Kitchen - $25,000
Living Room - $15,000
Home Gym - $15,000
Garage - $10,000 -
Claimed: Grimes Family
Bedrooms (4) - $7,500 each -
2/5 Claimed: Sivley Family and Guarino & Thomas families